Seal of Dane County County of Dane
Dane County Commission on Sensitive Crimes

About the DV-CCR

Every five years or so, since the inception of the Dane County Coordinated Community Response to Domestic Violenec (DV-CCR), we have taken a step back and tried to evaluate how effective we are and what direction we need to take to continue the work to end domestic violence. .

What is the DV-CCR now?

The DV-CCR is an advisory committee under the umbrella of the Dane County Commission on Sensitive Crimes (COSC) and has a number of subcommittees where the actual work is done. The subcommittees report back to the DV-CCR on the progress of projects and, if needed, the DV-CCR provides guidance to the subcommittees and sanctions projects. The DV-CCR reports monthly to the COSC, and there is an annual report that is prepared about the DV-CCR’s accomplishments and ongoing projects. This is presented to the Dane County Board of Supervisors. 

The DV-CCR meetings are a place to discuss and problem-solve current issues related to domestic violence. The meetings are also a networking opportunity for those working to end domestic violence in our community. 

The DVCCR is currently, and always has been, a work in progress. We are not, and will never be, a static body because as society, the economy, technology, and culture changes, so must we. We will continue to adapt and work toward making our community and our homes safe places for all to live.

Who funds the DV-CCR?

The DV-CCR has no budget, per se. We are currently provided a part-time staff person to provide assistance with administrative tasks. This money was requested by the Dane County COSC, which is funded through the Dane County budget. The funding for the staff person is administered through the Dane County Department of Human Services.